Baby All Stars Australia
Baby All Stars Australia is the first program in Australia of its kind. Baby All Stars is leading the industry when it comes to cheerleading for children under 5 years of age. Baby All Stars covers musicality, body shapes, core strength, coordination, following by direction, confidence and they take a holistic approach to learning cheer & tumbling fundamentals. Baby All Stars in 2019 will offer three stages of cheer & tumble movement classes.
This program compliments all dance styles and sets your child up for any dance or cheerleading class they may want to enter into one they turn 5 years old (school age). The age groups listed are a guide and children are not limited to these classes. All children move through the levels at different paces. Baby All Stars is 18 months to 5 years.
This program is for everyone.
Supporting family environment encourages parents and carers to make friends and create new support networks. Our classes provide the opportunity for babies and young children to learn and develop important life skills in a holistic, fun, healthy and safe environment.
Tiny Twinkles Cheer: 18 months - 2.5 years
The Tiny Twinkles cheer class introduces little ones to the basics of tumble and movement, play and song. Physical and communication skills are used in a fun environment. The children learn movement and expressing themselves with their parent participating in the class. Co-ordination and movement is the key focus.
Shining Stars Cheer: 2.5-4 years
Shining Stars classes encourage children to fuse imagination, strength, stamina, tumble and cheer components. Shining Stars class focuses on confidence and to further physical development co-ordination. This class teaches children how to behave appropriately by interacting the teacher and the other children in the class.
Shooting Stars Cheer: 4 - 5 years
The final stage of Baby All Stars is our Shooting Stars class which focuses on improving confidence, co-ordination, self control, social skills and lifting ability to retain short routines in a supportive fun and disciplined environment. Covering level 1 cheer and tumbling components.
Baby All Stars helps children develop their strength and stamina by improving co-ordination, flexibility and range of motion throughout the whole body.
Social Skills
Baby All Stars classes provide a social outlet for kids. Attending classes regularly can help young children develop their social skills.
Emotional Benefits
Baby All Stars can also help to improve children's mental and emotional health. It can also be a great way to relax and use excess energy productively after school.
Educational Development
Baby All Stars also offers certain educational or cognitive benefits. Ballet exposes students to a combination of movement, music and performance.